Hats off to the Metropolitan Police for executing a sting operation reminiscent of a crime thriller. The notorious Rolex Rippers, who have been causing havoc on London’s streets by targeting well-heeled patrons leaving pubs and clubs in the early hours, have finally faced formidable opposition—complete with tasers.
Picture this: a robber spots a potential target, a gleaming watch catching their eye in the night. They make their move confidently and swiftly, only to realize they’ve just attempted to mug an undercover cop. Yes, Scotland Yard’s finest, posing as potential victims, have fearlessly turned the tables on these criminals.
It’s like a script from a Hollywood movie. These plain-clothed heroes volunteered as bait, strolling around Soho’s notorious hotspots adorned with swanky timepieces, just waiting to be “robbed.” And when the criminals took the bait, bang! Backup officers swarmed in faster than you can say “Rolex.”
The Met has shared remarkable CCTV footage showcasing the operation